Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Morning jog

Alright, my hubby will be home from work in a few minutes, yes, I know our life is a bit screwed up! I am going to go on a walk/jog and he has agreed to go. In fact, he has been suggesting that we get out and exercise for a while now. We have been trying to drop a few pounds and we are both stuck in a rut. It is time to add/increase our exercise. I am going to start today!! (Lets hope I go out and do it tomorrow, too!) Hopefully I can show some results in the scale soon, I am tired of this slump! I am two to three pounds from my first weight loss goal and I want to get there! Anyway, wish me luck!


Leslie said...

Good Luck. I wish I was on target to my weightloss.

Chelley said...

Not exactly on target, but trying!!

Bryan Hooper said...

Well, I had fun on our walk. It was nice to get out and have some nice conversations with no bother from the kids.