Sunday, January 25, 2009

A Little Princess and other not so late night goodies!

It has been really hard for me to want to blog because I haven't felt like there is anything to say that is positive. Now I realize that sounds really melodramatic, but the truth hurts. Sometimes a lot. However, right now I am feeling pretty good and wanted to post some fun that our family had. On Friday night I went to the store while Bryan was doing his Domino's shift. While there I found my favorite version of "A Little Princess" on DVD for a great price! Woo hoo! $7.50 for it and "The Secret Garden" combo. While The Secret Garden is cute, I looove A Little Princess.

Such a fun movie! Anyway, I come back from the store and intend to watch is with my girls and was pleasantly surprised when my boys (Jonathan included) wanted to watch it with us. We had such a great time! We were laughing so hard (esp. when Becky screams in an effort to distract the evil Ms. Minchin!!). It was so fun to be together and laugh! I also cried during this movie. I always cry during this movie! How can you not!?! Little Sarah is such a great actress and is so believable, that it is so much fun to let this movie take you to another time and place. My kids were kinda shocked to see that Becky, as a servant, would not be allowed to talk to the other girls. They never thought people would treat someone that way. We have come a long way in equality, that's for sure! Anyway- if you have seen this movie, then you know why I love it and if not, go get it and watch it with your family!

Another funny bit, last night we started to watch the 2 hr season premier of Bones and the kids (not including Jon) started watching The Secret Garden. We started them abt 8:30pm and by 9:00 Alex was sound asleep. By 9:15 or so I was fighting sleep and missed most of the show. By 9:30 the rest of the kids were asleep and Jon followed by about 10. Bryan thought this was pretty funny and just let us all sleep where we had fallen till about 10:45 when he woke us all up and sent us all off to bed! Kinda funny that he had to wake up everyone and get us off to bed! Anyone who knows me pretty well will not be to surprised by that! I am so not a late owl! It had been such a busy day! Primary activity in the morning (Rocket balloons like crazy in my portion of the activity!) and then Connor's bday in the afternoon. They were both really fun and I will have to post pics and details of the party later. My fingers hurt! Have a good one!


Marilyn said...

I too have been in a funk. With the hurt back I haven't felt like exercising and am a little afraid I will injure it more. I'm glad to hear that you had some fun as you deserve it.

music lady said...

I love "Little Princess" and all those "older" clean type of movies. They pull you in and time just flies away.

Richard said...

I have never seen The Little Princess and it sounds like a good movie. Maybe we can borrow it some time.Glad to hear that the night was fun for you. You deserve it. Keep your chin up!!