Yesterday was our Primary program. It is much later in the year than in other stakes I have been in, but it just gave me more time to teach the kiddos the songs! They did so well, I was so proud of them. With my mother in law Eva's help with some song arrangements, the music was beautiful! We had violin and flute duets on a few of the songs and they added so much to those songs. It touched me several times and I had to push the emotion away and focus or I would lose my place in the music! lol Music has always been an easy way for me to feel the Spirit and to help strengthen my testimony. I love a beautiful song, sung sweetly especially by children with shining faces and smiles. I felt so proud of each one of those sweet kids singing, they did a wonderful job!
My favorite part about being the primary chorister is having the chance to be with my four younger kids every week, but to see their faces and smiles as they were singing yesterday was a sweet moment for me. I am so proud of my children, they are such wonderful people and I am grateful to be their mother. Luv u guys!!
My Jeepers Creepers Workshop
8 years ago
You did a GREAT job too! Thank you!!
Phew! It DID turn out really good. Now you can breathe for a few. Being the Primary Chorister is hard work! You do great with the kiddos.
You have alot of talent musically and it sounds like it was a very special program. Good job with the music.
I am so glad you had a successful and good time. I would have loved to see you in action! Hope you had a fantastic Thanksgiving!
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