As many of you have seen, my foot has not healed very well. It turn out that the cyst in my foot ruptured over and over and the fluid inside the cyst was damaging the tissue around it. So the doctor took out more tissue than he had planned. As a result, the blood vessels were to damaged to give a good blood supply to a part of the incision. This led to a lovely dead spot that scabbed over but is healing too slowly. The skin is trying to regenerate coming in from the sides instead of under the scab. There is no heathly skin under the scab. So, the doctor wants to make a larger incision and remove the dead tissue and stitch the healthy stuff back together. Gonna be a super lovely scar there! At least this time it will be a in office procedure and shouldn't be as big of a deal as last time.
This is scheduled for two weeks from now to give my physical therapy a chance to continue to help me regain some movements that were lost from excessive scar tissue building up. I have to say I love going to my physical therapy. I get to go to the office that Jodi Maclay works at and we have a great time laughing and talking the whole time. She says Hi! to all of the Preston warders! The therapy doesn't hurt very much and I can already see the difference it is making. So, thats the latest there.
Everything else seems to be going pretty good. We had the funnest family night last night. We went to the park and just played with all of the kids. We played tag and did underdogs on the swings and just laughed and played! The most fun I have had in a long time. Even Bryan and Jon were running and playing. I am so grateful for a wonderful family. The fun times we have always help hold me up for the rest of it!
Have a good day, everyone!
My Jeepers Creepers Workshop
8 years ago
That just doesn't sound fun at all! Hope this will finally fix the problem.
Your poor foot. If you have to have a scar anywhere, I guess the foot would probably be one of the better places to have it! I have a lovely one by my nose and I have always been a little self conscious about it. I hope your foot heals better this time round.
Sorry about your foot. That sore has not been very nice to you all. And yet again it has to be reworked, not fun at all! I hope that the surgery will make the problem go away.
Thanks for helping us out on Kelsi"s Birthday. Really appreciate it!
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