Hi everyone! I hope everyone is having a good day, or at least able to find something good in your day. Mine started allright with the kids this morning. As we were doing their hair and stuff for school, we were laughing and having a good time. Then Kate started to get emotional when she told me she hasn't been able to find a friend to play with after school. She really misses her old friends. We we decided to host a girl party this Saturday night. She is going to invite a couple of her friends over from the old neighborhood while the boys are at conference. She wanted to make sure that we invite Layna Lou, also but she wants to make the invite phone calls herself. She is so excited! We have this movie called the Last Unicorn that I loved when I was a kid and she wants the girls to watch that. Hopefully they will enjoy themselves. I felt so bad for her, she really wants to go home.
To add insult to all of this stuff, Bryan tells me about an article on KTAR's website about how HUD is helping people keep their homes, even when they have already started foreclosure. I seriously doubt that would get us our home back, but the idea is so great. Just made us both sad, cause we want to go back to our home. This one is nice and all, but it is not our home. It really sucks sometimes! I keep thinking I need to be happy with what I have and find a way to have peace and bring a happy spirit into our home for my kids. That is so hard when I feel like my world has been shattered. I am trying, tho. I am making an effort to play and smile and laugh, even when I don't feel like it. My kids and my husband deserve that at the very least. So here I am putting on my happy face!!
This morning, Alex and Connor (the one I babysit) were fighting like cats and dogs (so not fun!) and I thought I would get them out of the house. We went on a nature scavenger hunt in our neighborhood. They loved it. We found pine cones, rocks, several different flowers and leaves and they got to fill up a bag to take home. It was a nice little adventure. Then when we got back, we took turns being a scary ghost and playing monster hide and seek. They had a blast! Now, they are taking a Dora break and are not fighting at all! Woo hoo! A moment to blog! That never seems to happen anymore! I have to be creative to keep these kiddos happy and entertained!
I was reading Sarah's blog this morning, so jealous of her scrapbook room, by the way. She has a plan for getting Christmas taken care of. I am so jealous of that too! I usually have quite a bit of that done already and I don't know how I am going to make that happen this year. How can I tell my kids that Santa can't afford to come this year? Especially when they think that now we have a chimney that Santa can get in easier now and that might make him happier?!? I am stressing out about it already! I know there is no way to duplicate what we did in the past, and I don't even expect to, but I just want to be able to give them something! Oh well, I have 2 1/2 more months to pray for a miracle! Somehow, it will be ok. There is nothing wrong with a small Christmas, in fact I think it is better. We will definitely be having a Christ centered Christmas. We have been moving in that direction the last few years, so this will just give us a shove that way, anyhow.
Well, those are my random thoughts for the day. Some happy, some sad, all of them true-unfortunately! Seriously, I hope everyone can find a moment to play/laugh/be silly with your family. They love it!
My Jeepers Creepers Workshop
8 years ago
Last night I was reading some blogs of people in my old ward. And in particular this one family. Even though this kid was a total handful, as I was looking at photo's of their DOOR, because it was like our old door and the pictures of this kid in the hallway at school..I started to Cry!! The moment we start making friends, we move...it's getting old. Layna says she doesnt play with anyone on the playground. And that makes me really sad. At least, at the last two schools she had 1 or 2 good friends. Life stinks and I don't know that it is going to get easier!!
I always admire how you find the ability to go on even during hard times. It is amazing to me because I don't. When things are tough I just want to hide away and I definitely couldn't fake a smile. Thanks for being my inspiration. I wanted so bad to talk to you the other night. I wish we could find a time we are both free! :>
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