Monday, February 9, 2009

Gimme a break!

K- some of you may know that I don't like to post when I am feeling like a "negative nancy" but today it's just too raw and I don't know where to turn with it, so here it is! I am feeling so down right now. Bryan just got turned down for another job. This one was a good one with a lot of potential. We were optimistic about it, just like the last hundred or so! He has been on so many interviews and they all say how impressive his crendentials are or you were a strong candidate or whatever bs they say to let you down easy. I am so sick of it. We have been dealing with this for a YEAR now and it feels like it is never going to get any better! I am so close to tears that I can't even see the keyboard. So, I am tired of it all and don't think I even have it in me to pretend anymore. I try to stay positive for Bryan and the kids, but I am done. I need some help here cause I am done. I got nothing left! I know that my problems may not seem like much to some, but to me it feels like a mountain that I can never climb no matter how hard I try. I feel so alone in all this and that must be what hurts the most. I don't know why He has left me and I don't know what He wants me to learn/grow/whatever. I am done.


Kim said...

I'm sorry that you guys have been let down again, that just stinks. I wish I could make things better for you, just know that you do have friends that care and are praying that a good job will come your way soon!

Leslie said...

I wish I could do or say something to help you out. But I am afraid I am the last person that knows what to do.

I definetly don't think you need to pretend but just do the best you can do.

Sometimes a distraction is helpful. If you need to comeover and hang out, you are always welcome...instead of a movie we could always play games or scrapbook.

Anonymous said...

Oh man I am so sorry. That just totally sucks and so I will give you not one fluffy silver lining. It just sucks. I am so bummed we were on the phone together yesterday and I didn't know. I would have dropped the kids off home, ran right over, and taken you for a ride, or dinner, or whatever. I hate financial stuff too so I am right with you, and it is a big deal, and I am so glad you vented about it. Vent away! Well I love you and call me whenever you want that gettaway! Hey maybe this a push in the direction of photography - ok sorry that was a little siliver lining :>

Marilyn said...

It sounds like you need a "Michelle" day. A day you can go to the movies, out to lunch, and just not worry about things. The bad part is that the problems wiil still be there when you get back, but at least you can have some time to yourself.

Also, He has not forgotten you. I know that He knows you and loves you. By the way, I do too!